A318/A319/A320 Fuelling Procedure and system information
· The fuel system:
* Store fuel in tanks.
* Supre fuel in the correct quantities for the tanks during refueling.
* Supre fuel for the engines and for the APU.
* Circulates fuel to cool the IDG.
* Maintains fuel in the central tanks to relieve bending and knocking.
· The fuel is stored in the wings, and in the center section.
· The wings have internal and external tanks.
· There is a tank "surge" external to the tank of each wing.
· When the aircraft has been refueled to full capacity, the fuel can expand up to 2% (20 ° C), without spilling.
· There is an overpressure protector in each inner, outer tank tank vent and another tank between the central tank and the left inner tank.
· Volume in liters = 23.858
· Weight in kilograms = 18,728
· Volume in liters = 24.209
· Weight in kilograms = 19,004
· Volume in liters = 24,166
· Weight in kilograms = 18.968
Note: For the weight consider a density of 0.785kg / l.
The main pumps supply fuel from the central tank or the internal tanks for the engines.
The system has 06 main pumps.
· In normal operation each motor is powered by 01 central tank pump or 02 internal tank pumps on each side.
· All tank pumps remain on throughout the flight.
· They are built with pressure relief valves which ensures that when all pumps are rotating, the pumps in the center tank will have preference in fuel delivery.
· 02 electric transfer valves are mounted in each wing tank to allow transfer of fuel from the external tank to the inner tank.
· The cross feed valve is controlled by a double motor and allows both motors to be fed from one side or a motor to be fed from both sides.
· The fuel flow to an engine can be interrupted by a low-pressure (LP) fuel valve, the LPLP valve closing can be:
* Through the engine master switch.
* Through the fire pushbutton engine.
* Through the fire pushbutton engine.
· Closed by the pressure of the pumps in normal operation, they allow the motors to be fed by gravity if the pumps of the internal tank fail.
· Note: central tank pumps are not built with suction valves. Therefore gravity feed from the central tank is not possible.
· The tanks empty in the following sequence:
1. The central tank.
2. The internal tanks: each internal tank empties up to 750 kg
3. External tanks: transfer fuel to the internal tanks.
· The central tank supplies fuel to the engines when the central tank pumps are not stopped by the logic control described below.
· The internal tank supplies fuel to the engines when the central tank pumps are stopped.
· Each center tank pump for up to approximately 500 kg of fuel in its associated internal tank has been used (when the fuel level reaches the "UNDERFULL" sensor)
With MODE SEL in the "MAN" position, the pumps in the center tank will rotate. In manual mode, the central tank pump pushbuttons must be selected OFF when the central tank is empty.
· Transfer valves open automatically when the fuel in the internal tank reaches the low level (about 750 kg), thus allowing drainage of the fuel from the external tanks to the internal tanks.
When opened, the valves are locked open. They will automatically close on the next refill operation.
1. 02 level sensors are installed in each internal tank. Each sensor controls 02 transfer valves, one on each wing, ensuring simultaneous transfer to both wings.
2. The 750 kg value is based on the level attitude of the aircraft, without acceleration. During steep descents or accelerations / decelerations, the transfer valves can open with more than 750 kg of fuel in each internal tank, and the low fuel warning can be triggered.
· A special pump supplies fuel for starting the APU when the fuel supply pressure is low (due to loss of tank pumps, or loss of normal AC power supply).
· This pump normally powered by the AC ESS SHED, but if the AC ESS SHED fails it will be fed by the AC STAT INV BUSS.
· A portion of the fuel supplied to each engine from the high pressure line on that engine, flows through the INTEGRATED DRIVE GENERATOR (IDG) heat exchanger where it absorbs heat, to the return valve and to the external fuel tank.
· This operation ensures the IDG cooling when the oil temperature is high or when the engine is at low power.
· The FADEC controls the return valve.
· If the external fuel tank is full, the excess fuel flows into the internal tank through a flow pipe.
· On the ground, fuel recirculation is not inhibited if there is super flow in the "tanks".
IF B / W FUEL MODE SEL is set to AUTO:
· If the central tank is feeding, the wing tank will tend to overcharge and the system automatically selects CTR TK PUMP OFF when the tank is full.
· The wing tank pumps will power the engines until they have used approximately 500 kg of fuel when the fuel level reaches the "UNDERFULL" sensors.
· The logic circuit then resets the central tank pumps.
IF The B / W FUEL MODE SEL is in the MAN position:
· If the central tank is feeding, the wing tanks will tend to "OVERFILL", but the system will not automatically shut off the pumps from the center tank when the inner tank is full.
· Therefore, an OVERFLOW in the wing tanks can occur on the ground if the pumps in the central tank are not switched off.
· A portion of the fuel supplied to each engine from the high pressure line on that engine, flows through the INTEGRATED DRIVE GENERATOR (IDG) heat exchanger where it absorbs heat, to the return valve and to the external fuel tank.
· This operation ensures the IDG cooling when the oil temperature is high or when the engine is at low power.
· The FADEC controls the return valve.
· Se o tanque de combustível externo estiver cheio, o combustível em excesso flui para tanque interno através de uma tubulação de escoamento.
· Se o tanque central está alimentando, os tanques de asa irão tender ao "OVERFILL" e o sistema automaticamente seleciona as bombas do tanque central para OFF quando o tanque interno está cheio.
· As bombas dos tanques de asa irão alimentar o motor até que ele tenha utilizado aproximadamente 500 do combustivel quando o nível atingir o sensor de "UNDERFULL".
· O circuito lógico então aciona novamente as bombas do tanque central.
· Um (ou dois) pontos de reabastecimento são instalados sob as asas, permitindo a aeronave ser reabastecida tanto do lado direito quanto do lado esquerdo.
· Um painel de reabastecimento está localizado na fuselagem, próximo a raiz da asa direita, ou sob a asa direita ou esquerda, próximo ao bocal de reabastecimento.
· Uma galeria conecta o bocal de reabastecimento com cada válvula de reabastecimento dos tanques.
· O reabastecimento normalmente é automático, com o combustível requerido selecionado no pré-seletor.
· O controle manual também está disponível.
· O reabastecimento automático começa com as células dos tanques externos.
· Se a carga de combustivel selecionado exceder a capacidade do tanque da asa, o tanque interno é reabastecido simultaneamente.
· Quando uma célula externa está cheia, o combustível excedente flui para uma célula interna através de uma linha de vazamento.
· As válvulas de reabastecimento se fecham automaticamente, quando os tanques contém a carga pré-selecionada, ou quando os sensores detectam um alto nível de combustível.
· A aeronave pode ser reabastecida quando estiver sendo energizada apenas pelas baterias.
· Os tanques de asas podem ser reabastecidos por gravidade através de pontos de reabastecimento instalados nas pontas das asas.
· Uma válvula de transferência, entre o sistema de alimentação do motor e a galeria de reabastecimento, permite:
* As bombas dos tanques transferir combustível de um tanque para outro.
* Destanquear através do bocal de reabastecimento.
· O tempo de reabastecimento com a pressão nominal é:
* 17 minutos para os tanques das asas.
* 20 minutos para todos os tanques.
· Um (ou dois) pontos de reabastecimento são instalados sob as asas, permitindo a aeronave ser reabastecida tanto do lado direito quanto do lado esquerdo.
· Um painel de reabastecimento está localizado na fuselagem, próximo a raiz da asa direita, ou sob a asa direita ou esquerda, próximo ao bocal de reabastecimento.
· Um outro painel de reabastecimento está localizado no cockpit, no painel overhead (mnt panel)
· Uma luz verde "READY FOR FUELING" está instalada próximo ao bocal de reabastecimento.
· Uma galeria conecta o bocal de reabastecimento com cada válvula de reabastecimento das asas.
· O reabastecimento normalmente é automático, com a carga de combustivel requerido selecionada no pré-seletor.
· O controle manual também está disponível.
· O reabastecimento automático começa com as células dos tanques externos.
· If the selected fuel load exceeds the capacity of the wing tank, the internal tank is replenished simultaneously.
· When an external cell is full, excess fuel flows into an internal cell through a leak line.
· Replenishment valves close automatically, when the tanks contain the preselected load, or when the sensors detect a high level of fuel.
· The aircraft can be replenished when it is being powered by batteries only.
· Wing tanks can be replenished by gravity through re-filling points installed at the wing tips.
· A transfer valve, between the engine feed system and the refueling gallery, allows:
§ Tank pumps transfer fuel from one tank to another.
§ Detach through the refueling nozzle.
· The refueling time with the nominal pressure is:
§ 17 minutes for wing tanks.
§ 20 minutes for all tanks.
· FQI is a computerized system that:
§ Transmits the current total mass of fuel, as well as the amount and temperature of the fuel in the tanks, to ECAM.
§ Controls automatic replenishment.
· 02 canais executam os cálculos de combustível: o canal 2 ativa automaticamente se o canal 1 falhar
· O FQI possui:
§ Um computador FQI.
§ Um conjunto de probes de capacitância em cada tanque para medir o nível e a temperatura do combustível.
§ Um sensor densitometro (cadensicon) em cada tanque interno da asa permitindo o cálculo da quantidade de combustível.
§ Um "CAPACITANCE INDEX COMPENSATOR" (CIC) em cada tanque interno fornecendo uma constante "dielétrica" do combustível em caso de falha do cadensicon.
§ Um indicador de quantidade para cada tanque instalado no painel de refuel/defuel.
§ Um pré-seletor instalado no painel de refuel/defuel que mostra o pré-selecionado e a quantidade atual.
· O sistema de fuel level produz os sinais de nível e de temperatura do combustível com o objetivo de operar adequadamente as trocas de funções de reabastecimento e destanqueio,
· Controlar o sistema de recirculação e resfriamento do IDG
· E o sistema de transferência tanque central para tanque das asas.
· O FLSCU consiste de :
§ Sensores de nível de combustivel para sentir os níveis altos, baixos e "OVERFLOW".
§ Um sensor de temperatura para controlar a recirculação de resfriamento do IDG.
· Quando a quantidade em um tanque está abaixo do 750kg, o sensor de baixo nível aciona o alerta no ECAM de "LO LVL".
· A aeronave é equipada com um sistema chamado FUEL TANK INERTING SISTEM.
· O objetivo desse sistema é reduzir a flamabilidade nos tanques que possuem uma alta exposição à flamabilidade.
· O combustivel no tanque central é o único que possui alta exposição à flamabilidade.
· Portanto, o FUEL TANK INERTING SYSTEM é necessário somente no tanque central.
· Todos os outros tanques não precisam instalar esse sistema.
· To reduce flammability in the central tank, the system produces an oxygen-free air that replaces ambient air inside the central tank.
· The system is installed in the "belly" of the aircraft, and consists of:
§ An air conditioning system service (CSAS).
§ An inert gas generation system (IGGS).
· CSAS extracts and conditions a portion of engine bleed air to adjust pressure and temperature.
· Then the air goes to the IGGS where a separation of air modules adds nitrogen molecules.
· Therefore, oxygen-free air is produced (with less than 12% oxygen) and replaces the ambient air in the central tank.
· The FUEL TANK INERTING SYSTEM requires no pilot action.
· It works independently as soon as the motors run until they are cut.
1. L (R) TK PUMPS 1 (2) pushbutton sw
ON: The pump is on, but only feeds fuel, when the delivery pressure of the central tank pump falls below a predetermined value.
OFF: The pump is off, and a blank OFF light comes on.
FAULT LIGHT: an amber light and an ECAM caution, light when delivery pressure drops. It will not turn on when the pump is turned off.
2. MODE SEL pushbutton sw:
AUTO: central tank pump control is automatic
§ Elas funcionam na partida do motor por 2 minutos.
§ Antes ou após a sequência de partida dos motores, as bombas funcionam se os slats estão recolhidos.
§ Elas param automaticamente 5 min. após o tanque central atingir o nível mínimo.
MAN: o piloto controla manualmente as bombas do tanque central com os pushbuttons das bombas do tanque central.
LUZ de FAULT: acende uma luz em âmbar, e um alerta de ECAM acende quando o tanque central possui mais que 250 KG de combustível e o tanque de asa direita ou esquerda, possui menos que 5000 kg.
3. CTR TK PUMP 1 (2) pushbutton sw:
§ A bomba funciona, se o pushbutton MODE SEL está selecionado em modo MAN.
§ The pump is automatically controls when the AUTO mode is selected.
OFF: The pump is switched off and an OFF light is lit in white.
FAULT LIGHT: Amber light and an associated ECAM alert light up when the pump is in operation and the delivery pressure drops.
4. X FEED pushbutton sw
OFF: The valve closes and the pushbutton does not light up.
ON: The valve opens and on the pushbutton turns ON ON.
OPEN LIGHT: This green light comes on when the valve is fully open.
(1) - FUEL QUANTITY indicator: the number shows the amount of fuel in each tank.
(2) - HI LVL light: This blue light illuminates when the system detects a high level of fuel and the corresponding valve closes automatically.
(3) - REFUEL VALVES selector (with guard in NORM position)
§ NORM: Automatic re-check logic control controls replenishment valves.
§ OPEN: Valves open when the sw MODE SELECT is set to the REFUEL or DEFUEL XFR position. Each refuel valve closes when the system detects a high level in the associated tank.
§ SHUT: The valve closes.
(4) - MODE SELECT sw (with guard in the OFF position)
§ OFF: the refueling system is de-energized. The relief valves are closed.
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§ REFUEL: válvulas de reabastecimento operam em modo manual ou automático dependendo da posição do sw das válvulas de reabastecimento.
§ DEFUEL XFR : válvula de transferência REFUEL/DEFUEL abrem. A válvula de reabastecimento are se o sw da válvula de reabastecimento está em OPEN.
(5) - OPEN light: esta luz âmbar acende quando a válvula de DEFUEL TRANSFER está aberta.
(6) - TEST sw
§ HI LVL: a luz de HI LVL acende se os sensores e os ckts associados estiverem funcionando.
§ Nota: se os tanques estiverem cheios (luzes de HI LVL acesas) durante o teste, a luz de HI LVL apaga se os sensores e os circuitos associados estiverem funcionando.
§ LTS: luzes do painel e todos os dígitos "8" no FQI e no pré-seletor acendem.
(7) - PRESELECTED display: este mostrador apresenta a quantidade total pré-selecionada em kg x1000.
(8) - PRESELECTOR sw: pressionando para a LH ou RH diminui ou aumenta a quantidade pré-selecionada.
(9) - ACTUAL display: este mostrador apresenta o combustível total a bordo.
(10) - END light:
§ Esta luz verde fica acesa permanente quando o reabastecimento automático está completo
§ Ela pisca em verde se o reabastecimento for abortado.
(11) - CKPT light: não utilizável no A318. No 319/320 Indica que o painel de reabastecimento do cockpit tem prioridade.Acende quando o pb-sw de PWR electrical no painel de refuel do cockpit é pressionado.
(12) - BATT POWER toggle switch
§ ON: quando o piloto momentaneamente liga e solta ela a HOT BUS 1 supre o FQI. Após o término do teste do FQI (cerca de 40s), a indicação da quantidade de combustível aparece e a operação de reabastecimento pode ser selecionada.
§ O suprimento elétrico é desligado automaticamente:
Ø Após 10 min, se nenhuma operação de reabastecimento é selecionada, ou
Ø No final do reabastecimento.
§ NORM: o FQI não é alimentado pelas baterias.
(1) - PRESELECTED display: este mostrador apresenta a quantidade total pré-selecionada em kgx1000.
(2) ACTUAL display: este mostrador apresenta a quantidade total de combustível a bordo.
(3) PRESELECTOR sw: pressionando para LH ou RH diminui ou aumenta a quantidade pré-selecionada.
(4) END light: esta luz verde acende permanente quando o reabastecimento automático é atingido 9 associada com o apagar da luz de reabastecimento da asa.
(5) PWR pb:
§ ON:
Ø O sistema de reabastecimento é energizado.
Ø O painel pré-seletor de controle de reabastecimento no cockpit tem prioridade (luzes no cockpit e no painel de controle externo iluminam.
Ø Teste automático de alto nível.
Ø No ECAM é mostrado : "REFUEL"
§ OFF:
Ø O sistema de reabastecimento é desenergizado.
Ø Apaga a mensagem no ECAM de "REFUEL".
Ø E a prioridade é limpa.
Ø Esta luz âmbar acende quando o teste de alto nível não é satisfatório.
(6) CTL pb-sw:
§ ON:
Ø Inicia o reabastecimento, (associado com o acendimento da luz verde de reabastecimento no painel da asa).
Ø Ocorre o corte automático quando a carga selecionada é atingida ou em caso de detecção de alto nível.
Ø Luz VALVE acende em âmbar se a switch de REFUEL VALVE CTL não estão na posição NORM no painel de controle de reabastecimento.
§ OFF:
Ø O reabastecimento interrompe e a carga pré-selecionada pode ser resetada.
(7) CKPT light: acende quando o pb-sw de PWR está ligado com a luz associada no painel externo de controle de reabastecimento.
(1) - WING PUMPS indications:
§ In line em verde: a pressão da bomba está normal (contactor da bomba está ligado).
§ "LO" em âmbar: a pressão da bomba está baixa (contactor da bomba está ligado).
§ Crossline em âmbar: o contactor da bomba está desligado.
(2) - CTR tank pump indications
§ In line em verde: a pressão da bomba está normal (contactor da bomba está ligado).
§ "LO" em âmbar: a pressão da bomba está baixa (contactor da bomba está ligado).
§ Crossline em âmbar: o contactor da bomba está desligado e não requer auto shut-off.
(3) - LP valve (ENG) indications
§ In line em verde: a válvula está aberta.
§ In line em âmbar: a válvula está aberta, com a sw ENG MASTER do motor em OFF.
§ Crossline em âmbar: a válvula do motor está totalmente fechada.
§ Transit em âmbar: a válvula está em transito.
(4) - X feed indications:
§ In green line: the valve is open.
§ In-line in amber: The valve is open, with the XFEED pb off.
§ Crossline in green: The valve is closed.
§ Amber crossline: The valve is closed with the XFEDD bp on.
§ Transit in amber: the valve is in transit.
(5) - Transfer valve indications:
§ Transfer from external to internal
were ordered to close.
XX : valve position information is not available
On the display: (without showing anything) the valves are closed.
(7) - Fuel temperature display
§ This indication appears when its associated temperature sensor is wet. It is usually in green.
§ An "ADVISORY" appears only in phases 2 and 6 when the fuel temperature is:
Ø Above 45 ° for the inner tank cell, or 55 ° for the outer cell.
Ø Below 40º.
§ It turns amber, and shows an ECAM caution, if the temperature increases more than the high limit or below the lower limit.
(8) - Fuel quantity indication
§ It is usually green.
§ An amber line appears over the last 2 digits, when the FQI is inaccurate.
§ External indication is boxed in amber, if both transfer valves fail to open when the inner tank is low fuel.
§ The center tank indication is boxed amber if both central tank pumps fail or are switched off.
§ An "ADVISORY" appears in phases 2 and 6 when the difference between the amount of fuel in the two wing tanks is greater than 1500 kg.
§ The indications of the inner and outer wing tank pulsate with the higher level of fuel
§ Unit can be in kg or lb depending on the "pin" programmed in the DMC.
(9) - FUEL on BOARD (FOB) indication
§ It is usually in green
§ An amber line appears over the last 2 digits when the FQI is inaccurate.
§ Units can be in kg or lb depending on the "pin" programmed in the DMC.
§ This indication can be "HALF-BOXED" in amber if:
Ø The pumps in the central tank fail, the pumps are switched off.
Ø Both transfer valves fail to open when the inner tank is low fuel.
(10) - FUEL USED indication
§ The motor number identification is amber when the motor is below IDLE.
§ Is blank when in IDLE or above.
§ The indication of used fuel is green from phase 2 until the electric force is cut off at the end of the flight.
§ It is reset automatically when the engine is driven on the ground.
§ Units can be in kg or lb depending on the "pin" programmed in the DMC.
(11) - FUEL FLOW indication
§ The total FUEL FLOW is shown in kg / Mn.
§ Units can be in kg or lb depending on the "pin" programmed in the DMC.
§ It is usually green.
§ Is replaced with XX in amber if there is no valid data.
§ An amber "HALF- BOX AM" appears around the FOB when the quantity shown is not fully usable (intercell transfer valve failed or center tank pump loss).
§ In case of degraded data, the last 2 significant digits will be dashed.
§ Units can be in kg or lb depending on the "pin" programmed in the DMC.
(2) MEMO INDICATIONS (in green)
§ OUTR TK FUEL XFRD: appears green if at least one transfer valve is open in a wing tank.
§ CTR TK FEEDG: appears green if at least one pump in the center tank is energized.
§ FUEL X FEED: appears green if the X FEED valve pushbutton is ON and the X FEED valve is not fully closed. It appears in amber in flight phases 3,4,5
§ REFUELG: appears green when the supply control panel door on the fuselage or wing is open. The 319/320 also shows REFUEL in MEMO when the pb PWR of the cockpit control panel is on.
Credit : Rabindar Singh
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