
Airbus ECAM display and system

The ECAM (Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitoring) system is made up of two
primary components, two SDAC’s (System Data Acquisition Concentrators) and
two FWC’s (Flight Warning Computers).
A loss of only one SDAC or only one
FWC will not result in any loss of function. The second computer can handle all
functions alone. The SDAC’s receive data from sensors and will send signals to
3 DMC’s (Display Management Computer) which generate the screen image.
The SDAC’s also send signals to the FWC. The FWC will generate various
warning/caution messages.

The E/WD (Engine/Warning Display) is the display that shows normal engine
readings and ECAM messages. The SD (System Display) is directly below the
E/WD and normally shows system pages or status. For information on switching
screens in case of failures see EFIS later in this section.
ECAM uses color to indicate the importance of the indication–
RED: Immediate action required
ORANGE (AMBER): Awareness but no action required
GREEN: Normal operation
WHITE: Titles and remarks
BLUE (CYAN): Actions to be carried out or limitations
PURPLE (MAGENTA): Special messages (i.e. inhibition messages)
Note: pulsing green or amber indications are approaching limits
If a FWC fails the Master Caution and Master Warning lights will indicate the
failure (along with a warning from ECAM) by the upper or lower light in both the
Master Caution and Warning light being out. If the #1 FWC fails then the
captains upper lights would be out and the F/O’s lower lights would be out. If #2
FWC fails the reverse lights will go out.
Loss of both FWC’s will result in a loss of most warning capability. The dual
failure of the FWC’s will result in an amber caution with no aural.
ECAM system pages are controlled through the ECAM control panel. Use the
mnemonic FHPED to check systems prior to departure. Work right to left across
ECAM control panel. Note: Press FUEL, HYD, PRESS, ENG and then press
ENG again to return to default DOOR/OXY page
F FUEL, balance, configuration, quantity
H HYD, Hydraulics quantity (pointers in boxes)
E ENG, Engine oil quantity (min. 13 qts.)
D DOOR/OXY, Doors armed, O2 pressure (note: overwing slides always armed)

ECAM Procedures:

Upper ECAM (E/WD)
Primary Failures
“ECAM Actions”
Secondary Failures
Affected Systems
Lower ECAM (SD)
Inop Systems
Work in a “Z” fashion from upper left, upper right, lower left, lower right.
When an ECAM warning occurs the first pilot noting it should read the title.
Appropriate systems page will be shown on lower ECAM (SD) to help identify
problem area(s). Please note that the top displayed underlined system will
control the lower SD display.
Then the PF should call “ECAM Action”. The PM should read the full line of
action items. Confirm all major actions before continuing to next (including thrust
lever movement, engine master switch, engine fire pb selection, IDG disconnect,
IRU mode selection, cargo smoke discharge pb selection) and have the PF
guard good control. Repeat response as you complete action. As you complete
the items listed in cyan (blue) (think “Blue to Do”) they will be automatically
cleared from the screen. Continue until you reach the next underlined item. Read
through any boxed item. DO NOT CLEAR a boxed item!
Note: boxed items indicate failure of a primary system that will cause the loss of
another system or systems on the aircraft which will be listed as secondary or
*starred systems). When reaching the next underlined title or the end of the
procedure then proceed with clearing ECAM. Be sure to do ALL applicable blue
action items between underlined titles before proceeding.
If there are too many steps to all be on the screen ECAM will put a green down
arrow to indicate that there is screen “overflow”. As you complete the items and
they are cleared the overflow items will automatically scroll up onto the screen. If
there are too many items that can’t be cleared then press the CLEAR pb for the
next page.
Note: you may not be able to clear all blue items. In some cases ECAM will not
have a way to know that you have done an item, such as “contact ATC”. Some
may not apply such as during Engine Failure ECAM will give a choice of damage
or no damage procedures.
When all action items are finished for an underlined item and you are at the end
or the next underlined item the PM asks, “Clear ECAM”? PF will reply, “Clear
ECAM” if ready to continue. Be sure that no further cyan messages remain for
any underlined item that can be eliminated before clearing. Some blue action
items the computer cannot get feedback from, and these will remain on the
screen. ALWAYS CONFIRM AN ECAM CLEAR. The SD will automatically
display the affected underlined system if there are additional failures.
If the problem stops while doing action items some action items may clear or
change automatically. For example, if an engine fire goes out while running
ECAM you will see the ECAM ENGINE FIRE go away, the red FIRE pb on the
FIRE panel and the red FIRE light on the engine panel will go out and the LAND
ASAP will change from red to orange. If the ECAM changes you have to start
with the QRH and do the Immediate Action Items and ECAM Exceptions first
before doing the new ECAM.
When ECAM is cleared the next procedure will appear (additional primary
failures are listed in the “stack” on the right) or if all procedures are done then
ECAM will automatically present the first page of the affected systems on the
SD. Affected systems (secondary failures) are listed in amber on the top right of
the screen with an *asterisk in front of them (*F/CTL). After reviewing the screen
you will clear it and the next system screen will be shown. After each screen you
should ask and confirm ready to clear the screen. Continue until all amber is
cleared and only green memo messages are left.
Example: PM will then review all affected equipment shown in amber on Flight
Control side. When done PM will ask, “Clear Flight Control”?
PF will reply, “Clear Flight Control” if ready to continue.
When all the affected system screens have been cleared the status page will
come up automatically. If Status or Inop Systems takes up more than one page
on ECAM there will be a green down arrow to indicate to “scroll” to the next
page. In this case you will clear ECAM to scroll to the rest of the procedure. After
using clear to see additional Status or INOP Systems pages you can press the
STS key to see the first Status or INOP Systems page again.
Status page will contain items such as procedures, limits, etc.
PM will then read all status items line by line. When done the PM will ask “Clear
The PF will reply, “Clear Status” if ready to finish.If PF needs to stop ECAM say “Hold ECAM”, when ready to continue say
“Continue ECAM”.
Pilot verbiage during ECAM is Challenge, Response, Response. (OM 9.1.3)
For example:
PM: Green Engine 1 Pump, OFF, (push off Green Engine 1 pb) OFF
When operating critical controls that must be confirmed the PM must allow the
PF to confirm the action and guard the good controls. Here are the critical
 Thrust Lever movement
 Engine Master switch
 Engine Fire pb selection
 Cargo Smoke DISCH pb
 IR pb
 IDG disconnect
Verbiage in this case will be like this:
For Thrust Lever movement only:
PM: Thrust Lever 1, Idle, (PF touch but not move thrust lever 1 with hand)
PM: Ensure proper control selected, Confirmed
PF: Idle (PF will bring thrust lever 1 to idle)
For all other Confirm items:
PM: Engine 2 Master, OFF, (PM touch but not move Engine Master 2 with
PF: Ensure proper control selected, Confirmed
PM: OFF (PM will bring Engine Master 2 to idle)
Additional information on ECAM warnings may be obtained from the ECAM Non�Normal Supplemental Manual if time permits.
A red LAND ASAP suggests landing at nearest suitable airport (more severe).
An amber LAND ASAP suggests the pilot should consider the seriousness of the
situation and suitability of the airport before landing (less severe).
Landing Distance Procedure – If the procedure directs you to do the landing
distance procedure (LDG DIST PROC) then you will use the A320 Landing App
on your iPad. Put it into Non-Normal mode before running the app.
Put the resulting VAPP in the MCDU PERF APPR page under the LSK 5L.
When using speed increments ALWAYS USE SPEED SELECT on approach. Do
not use managed speed when speed increments have been applied. Use the
VAPP set in the PERF APPR to remind you what speed to select when on
Please note that this is a reference distance only, if you have autobrake available
you should use it!
Note: If ECAM directs to recycle Flaps/Slats – speed select below 200 kts. and
select flaps 2
Note: If the Landing Distance Procedure is listed on ECAM after it warns of flying
in icing conditions you only have to do the procedure if you have ice accretion.
Don’t waste your time doing this procedure unless you have to!
ECAM action should not be taken (except to cancel audio warning through the
MASTER WARN light) until:
 The flight path is stabilized and
 The aircraft is higher than 1,000 AFE

Immediate Action Items

Any actions the pilot should take without hesitation are listed in the back cover of
the QRH. The actual procedures are at the front of the QRH. The only QRH
Memory Items listed in RED are for CAPT PFD, ND Blank….AC ESS
FEED…ALTN and putting on your oxygen mask for smoke/fumes. You are
expected to know when to accomplish this memory items.

ECAM Exceptions

There are times that ECAM may or may not direct the pilot to do a procedure
that is the best procedure to do.
The back page of the QRH lists the ECAM exceptions and the pilot consult these
before running any procedures for ECAMS. Of course there are other possible
situations and combinations of events that can be thought of. Currently there are
twelve items listed that you should do according to the QRH before attempting to
follow the ECAM.
Examples are if an ECAM directs to turn off the last available source of hydraulic
power (no power to any flight controls is a bad thing in any circumstance) or
opening the fuel X-feed for fuel imbalance when in fact you have a major fuel
leak. As always Captain, it is your aircraft and you have the final decision.
Exercise your emergency authority as needed (but always with discretion!).

ECAM Methodolgy

1. PF - Maintain Aircraft Control
2. Identify the Non-normal, PM - Cancels the Warning or Caution, if applicable
3. PM - Determine if Immediate Action or ECAM Exception
4. PM - Accomplish Immediate Action Items, if applicable
5. Captain - Assigns PF
6. PM - Accomplish Non-normal procedure
7. PM - Accomplish ECAM Follow-Up procedures, if applicable.

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